
Floral Cutting Garden

Last year my husband, Ed and I built our dream home!
This year we are outside beginning to landscape.

You are probably wondering why I am sharing a photo of a mound of dirt?

Also, known as Mt. Eli!

The ground that is under Mt. Eli is my future
Floral Cutting Garden!

Mt. Eli came from the dirt cleared to build the Red Barn
Imagine a cutting garden filled with flowers!

Imagine waking up at sunrise, pouring a cup of coffee,
and walking out to the cutting garden.

Cutting flowers for bouquets!

As many of  you know are home was built on Lot #10.

I have been walking in the sunshine on Lot #10
planning what flowers I want to plant.

The list keeps growing and growing!
So... I have narrowed it down to my Top 10 floral choices.

Please join me as I share with you the
Top 10 Floral Choices!

Also, the progress in clearing Mt. Eli!

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