
Happy Birthday, To Me!

Happy Birthday! Believe in Yourself!

Today is my Birthday when everyone wishes you a Happy day, a special day, a special lunch or dinner, presents, bouquets delivered, candles being blown out, singing and of course my favorite sharing my birthday cake with family and friends! What is a birthday without cake?

Each year a birthday to me is like Happy New Year. It is the day you were born, the date you celebrate your life. A few weeks prior to my Birthday I begin to think what would I like to accomplish, goals and passions for the next year.

Seven Bouquets for Seven Goals!

Each bouquet represents one of those goals. One is colored in, it is complete but I continue to nurture it everyday. The other six have the stems colored, as they are written down. The flowers will be colored in as I complete and focus on that goal. Maybe a flower at a time, however I Believe!

My Birthday card will sit on my desk and I will know when my bouquets are met!


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