
Word for 2015

The first part of November I was thinking about
beginning to select my One Word that will represent the

and why

for the next year 2015!

simply...the word came to me.

The word felt comfortable, calm and soothing.
Also, fun and exciting!

What is the word I have chosen?


Nourish my soul
Nourish my diet
Nourish my exercise - walking
Nourish my creative arts
Nourish my garden
Nourish my career
Nourish my friends
Nourish my family
...Nourish myself!

For 2015 I have signed up to take the year long workshop

with Ali Edwards

so that I can learn how to

Nourish my One Little Word!

As I celebrate the beginning of the fifth year of the
bouquets northwest blog I hope to 


  my passion for papercrafting with you in 2015!
(Maybe I will sneak in a little about gardening)

What is your word for 2015?